Thursday, June 28, 2018

This post I thought I would share a bit about myself.

I love to read. As a kid growing up I always had a book in my hands, would spend hours in my room reading, and write poetry. When I reached my late teens I knew I wanted to be a writer, to create the same kind of fantastic worlds I had read about.

In college I got my degree in Creative Writing (2 year), but about halfway through met a man who told me I had what it took to be a firefighter; spunk, stick-to-it-ness, and hardheadness. That's when real life took over. Writing would not pay the bills, plus the lure of doing something women weren't doing 40 years ago, was too strong.

I became a firefighter, progressing through the ranks to Deputy Chief, where I stayed until I retired. While also getting my degree in Creative Writing, I also took on a degree in Fire Science and finished them both at the same time. Writing was on the back burner.

In 2001 I had an unfortunate visit from a brown recluse spider. It bit me twice, once on the neck, then on my back. It caused irreparable damage to my sympathetic nervous system. That was the end of my career in the fire service. I couldn't hardly get out of bed, much less do my job.

I loved the fire service. The people I worked with, both on the local and state levels, were some of the finest I've ever had the pleasure to meet. It took me years to get over the fact I was done, but they are still my friends and always will be.

Jump to 2017 and my youngest son, Jonathan J Bowerman, surprised me with news he was writing a YA novel. Later that year he published and I thought, "Hey, I'm supposed to be doing that!" But, I am so proud of him. He is now working on book two of his series. You can find his book Secret Realms of the Hidden Elves- The Beginning on his author page, here: Please visit him, read his first book (it's really great, if I must say so), and follow him on his journey.

April of 2017 I started my own journey into writing and began my first book Shadow Moon. In the process I had to relearn writing grammar. I can talk just fine, but writing was a whole different thing altogether.

With help from my writing group, Fantasy Writers Organization, I finally started to get a feel of who I am as a writer. I still have problems with tenses and sometimes my dialogue tags are a bit wonky, but I love what I'm doing.

I am a wife, mother of two boys, a grandmother, daughter, sister, and granddaughter, all of which I love. But now I am also a writer, something I've waited my whole life to be.

I hope you follow me on my journey as I move through the world of Tehmyra, then two other worlds (spoilers) to bring together the Protectors of Tehmyra.

Please feel free to comment, make suggestions, and share with friends who looked very to read.


  1. What a great post! I'm your son and even I learned a thing or two. Thank you for the awesome shoutout. Love you!

  2. Yes we will always be forever friends and be there for you guys. Nice you are getting back to your passion and that your son is also. I will keep on reading. Love it.
