Monday, August 6, 2018

It's all about Music

Welcome back! I don't know about you, but when I'm working on a project (I.e. rewriting, editing, or writing short story) I like music in the background. Not white noise, but thought-provoking, sometimes intense, music.

I used to listen to Country (husband still does), but since starting my Protectors of Tehmyra series, I've been swayed to the Epic side. Have you really paid attention to the background music in Fantasy, Sci-Fi, or almost any genre of movie? The music drives the mood! Imagine the same movie without music. Boring!

That being said, my go-to tunes for writing, and pretty much anything anymore, are on the softer side of epic. Unless I'm in the middle of writing a battle scene, then it's hard hitting epic epic - the big sounding, full orchestral, loud stuff. Of course if I need to write a sad scene, the song has to bring me to tears, and I do have some that does that too.

As with anyone, I have my favorites. Top on my list right now is Fearless Motivation Instrumentals. Their "Sounds of Soul" and "Sounds of Power" albums are amazing, if you like that kind of thing. No words to distract you from your important WIP (work in progress).

So, next time you have a project to do, whether it's laundry, yardwork, writing, or cooking dinner, turn on your favorite music. Trust me - it makes everything easier.

Have a great week!