Monday, July 30, 2018

Monday, July 30, 2018

Here we are at the beginning of the week and almost the end of the month. Lots is happening.

I'm still rewriting, and adding, sections of Shadow Moon; edited and submitted a short story to FWO, a group of like-minded fantasy writers; and, yes, still working with my talented artists in Venezuala to come up with fabulous pictures to share.

The latest one is Icemeyr's love interest. I'm sure you remember the beautiful blue dragon from a previous post? Where she is gorgeous and feminine, he is an alpha dragon; smart, strong, and very male! He is Vyraintz, King of the Dragons.

I hope you have a wonderful week ahead. Please enjoy our latest dragon rendering.

Follow and Share with others. Thank you!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Rough Week

I know, missed my blog this week, and I apologize profusely. 😣 It's been a rough week in our household, but I promise,  we will get back to our regularly scheduled blog on Monday, July 30th.

See you on Monday.πŸ’—

Monday, July 16, 2018

Monday/July 16, 2018

Welcome to yet another Monday! And, it's dragon day!

Protectors of Tehmyra has characters pretty typical of what most would consider traditional fantasy genre; dwarfs, elfs, dwylfs (not so typical), wizards, dragons, and many other creatures, some you may have heard of, and others of my own creation. I continue to work with artists to bring my characters to life, as I see them in my head.

The last one I shared was Marwyn; friend, confidante, and love interest of Grym, my main character (at least he hopes there's love there😏).

I have shared my vision of Grym and Marwyn, now it's time for the dragons. Woohoo! I am a huge lover of all things dragon. Just ask my husband and those who know me well. You know who you are.πŸ’—

Dragons have a pivotal role throughout the planned 4-book series, so I had to have drawings of them, right? And these are in full color.😲

This is Icemeyr. She is huge in book one, and is the dragon most closely ”associated” with Grym. That's all you get for now - no SPOILERS. You have to wait for Book One- Shadow Moon to learn more. Lol. 

I hope you all have a fabulous week. Please follow my blog to stay up-to-date on all the juicy tidbits, bits and bobs, and choice morsels on my soon-to-be published books. I would love to see any suggestions you have to make this blog better for you.

You can also follow me on Facebook at Protectors of Tehmyra, my quadrilogy page.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Monday/July 9, 2018

Do you realize we are already halfway through 2018? I don't know about you, but as I get older (I'm no spring chicken, you know), time has sprouted wings.

When last we visited, I was working on my rewrite/edits for book one then real life interrupted the creative streak (more like a creative crawl, lol). My husband, my rock, my joy, hurt his knee. So bad, in fact, he's on immobilization orders from the doctor, and you know what that means! For the first time in years, I'm catering to his needs, and I'm okay with that.

Not everything writers put to paper, or screen, comes out perfect. Well, sometimes it's good, but it takes exhaustive edits, rewrites, and sometimes deletions to make it perfect. Also, inspiration can come from anywhere. When it strikes, you grab it and run. You might not use it tomorrow, next week, or even next year, but if it's good enough, eventually you will use it. That in mind, I keep a pad of paper, a pen, or my phone or tablet with me at all times.

Case in point, last week I was listening to a song by Jonny Easton called Fireflies (you can find it on YouTube). It is a beautiful song that inspired me to write this new section I will be adding to book one; a softer, more vulnerable moment for our characters. Right now I'm calling it Fireflies. I hope you enjoy.


The darkness in these woods put everyone ill at ease. The trees were so tangled, each overlaying the other, even Moon's protective glow couldn't penetrate. We were in total darkness, except for our small fire and even it seemed to be gasping for breath.

Then, a tiny light appeared, flashing by itself, searching for its place in the dark. First just the one, then many, finally thousands of flying, flickering lights. The cloying darkness was chased away, filled instead with their magical splendor. These woods, cursed for all eternity - by the ghosts of war - showed us there was beauty still left in it. 

Seeing the looks of wonder on our faces, Balyn dampened the fire with a single, hushed word and sat gazing at us as our faces watched in awe at the amazing dance taking place before our eyes. 

"What are they, Balyn?" Marwyn asked, hushed.

"They are the souls of the dead, lighting the way through the darkest parts of the woods."

"But there are so many!" Marwyn replied. As a tear ran down her face, she continued. "We did this, didn't we?"

"Many died here needlessly, all because of evil released through the veil. It wasn't us, Marwyn, it was Xyldreth," Balyn answered.

Never had we seen anything like this. I think in some small but sad way, it made our journey into the unknown easier. We knew what we would become should we fail, a guiding light in the darkness.  

Would our future be any easier because of what we witnessed? No, but in days, months, and even years to come, when we needed something to show us our way - a ray of hope - we remembered.

We all rested easy that night, dreams of fireflies lighting our way through the darkness.

Monday, July 2, 2018

It's Monday!

Well for many, particularly those who have to do the daily grind of working a 9-5 job, it's the dreaded Monday. I feel for you, my friends, unless you are one of those rare people who actually love their job. To you I offer my congratulations.

It's a busy week here. It was a stormy, miserable weekend so hubby and I watched all 8 Harry Potter movies over Saturday and Sunday. We thoroughly enjoyed our do-nothing-but-veg weekend.

I did get two new additions jotted down, so the weekend wasn't a total loss, plus quality time with hubby is always a plus. (I consider fantasy movies "research", so definitely not wasted.πŸ˜‰)

My plan for this blog is to post once a week, probably on Mondays. Once we start traveling, that might change, but for right now that's the plan. Also, I will alternate my posts. One week a catch up post, the next a new piece of book art, until I run out, that is.

I hope everyone has a fabulous week!

This art is of Marwyn. She is an orphaned elf, found in a magical ice cave. She absorbed some of the magic, which permanently turned her hair blue, and gave her skin a bluish tinge. She's rather tall, has the typical pointy ears, and her weapon of choice is a longbow.